A Guide to HOA Meetings as a Resident in Chicago

A Guide to HOA Meetings as a Resident in Chicago

Studies show that roughly 65% of Americans own their home. If you're a homeowner, involving yourself with a local Homeowners' Association is an excellent way to change your community.

But what are the responsibilities of a member of the HOA, and what are the different types of HOA meetings? Many homeowners veer away from associations out of worries that it may become too much to handle.

If you're a curious homeowner looking to join their HOA community, we're here to help. Read on to learn more about HOA meetings and how they proceed. We'll also look at some of the common topics so you can prepare and research before going to your next meeting.

Types of HOA Meetings

Did you know there are different types of HOA meetings?

HOA meetings are called for a variety of reasons. The type of meeting will often affect the agenda, procedures, and more.

Some common types of HOA meetings include:

  • Annual meetings
  • Board meetings
  • Special meetings
  • Open meetings, and Closed meetings

Research what type of meetings are on the schedule and plan accordingly. Some meetings aren't open to the community, such as board meetings. Others are meant to capture the opinions of everyone in the community.

Common Topics At HOA Meetings

Once you're in a meeting, what's the plan? Here are the most common topics at the average HOA meeting.


Local ordinances are a vital topic in an HOA meeting. The HOA community will discuss local ordinances and how the community needs to abide by them.

Ordinances are local city, district, county, or state codes. These include sound restrictions, light pollution guidelines, and more.

Research Chicago's ordinances so that you can bring them up when necessary. Doing so will not only encourage the HOA community in the right direction but will also show you know what you're doing.


Another topic of discussion is your community's amenities. Amenities are community benefits like a clubhouse, community pool, and access to local areas.

Handling these amenities is usually the responsibility of a property manager or property management team. Your HOA will discuss them before relaying the group's consensus to the managers.

Upcoming Events

Finally, upcoming events and community plans are discussed during HOA meetings.

These include community garage sales, public events, and more. Some HOAs will use these opportunities to discuss upcoming open meetings that the community can join in.

For these conversations, you should raise any concerns or interests you may have in events. Is there a community-focused event you'd like to bring to your association? Use these meetings to encourage your HOA to plan and promote your event.

Taking Part In Your HOA

HOA meetings feel intimidating as an outsider, but they're nothing more than a group of passionate volunteers discussing the community. Research Chicago's local ordinances so you can make informed suggestions and comments. Anticipate discussion topics ahead of time to help you lead your community.

For more informative reads, be sure to browse our site. You can also contact us to see how we can help your Chicago community shine.
